A Message from NACVSO President - June


Greetings NACVSO Members and Partners,

I am thrilled to share the incredible success of the NACVSO 2024 Annual Conference held last month in Denver, Colorado. This year's event was truly historic, marking several significant milestones in our mission to support those who serve veterans and their families.

One of the most notable highlights was the first-ever NACVSO VA Claims Clinic. Over the course of five days, we—alongside our partners-- provided on-site claims filing assistance to more than 800 veterans. Our dedicated team, comprising approximately 70 volunteer Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) and 50 VA personnel, worked tirelessly to ensure that each veteran received the support they needed. The clinic facilitated the submission of 650 claims, conducted 437 medical exams, and completed 7 on-site ratings. This level of service underscores the dedication and efficiency of our volunteers and partners. The overwhelming response from the volunteer survey, which saw a 474% increase in VSOs interested in participating in next year's clinic, is a testament to the event's impact.

Additionally, for the first time ever, NACVSO partnered with the US Court of Appeals for Veteran Claims (CAVC) to host a live hearing during the conference. This collaboration brought an unique educational experience to our attendees, demonstrating NACVSO's commitment to innovative training approaches within the ranks. The significance of this event was not lost on our members, and it has set a new benchmark for what can be achieved through partnership and collaboration.

The conference also saw a substantial increase in social media engagement, reflecting our growing influence and the effectiveness of our outreach efforts. This enhanced online presence allows us to connect more deeply with our community and amplify the voices of our members and the Veterans we serve.

While we celebrate these achievements, we are also taking to heart the feedback received and are committed to making necessary improvements. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine our processes and ensure that each future event is even more successful.

Thank you to our members, partners, executive board, staff, and everyone who contributed to the success of this year's conference. Your hard work and dedication are what make NACVSO the leading organization in advocating for Veterans and their families.

Looking forward to our continued success and the exciting opportunities ahead.

Warm regards,

Christopher Hinton
President, NACVSO