Chaplain's Corner - August


Work and Rest 

 When was the last time you had a day off? 

For some of us, taking time off is easy. As soon as we go home from work, we also leave all the cares of the working world behind. For others, taking time off is nearly impossible. We may leave work in body, but in our minds, we continue to churn through the work we have to do. Our cell phone continues to ring, and we constantly check our email.

Learning to rest is vital, not only for our body and mind but also for our soul. We’re not the mere sum of our professional successes and failures. We’re not what we accomplish. We’re not our job title. 

Ultimately, our work isn’t what provides for our needs. God is our provider, our protector, and our redeemer, and He is our true and deepest rest. By resting from our work each week, we’re publicly declaring to ourselves and others that we depend on God’s care for us. 

Are you practicing the rest that God intends for you?

 Heb 4:10 – For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.