Certified Veterans Advocate
Certified Veterans Advocate (CVA) is an advanced training certification course designed for NACVSO-Accredited Veteran Service Officers. The CVA Program will provide a high-level skill set unique to a CVSO to assist a claimant beyond the point of filing claims and/or Supplemental Claims or Higher Level Reviews. The CVA training will also cover more complex and comprehensive claims. The goal of the CVA certification is to enable NACVSO-Accredited CVSOs to analyze VA Benefit Decisions and strategize the best course of action for the claimant. In order to qualify as a Certified Veterans Advocate, CVSOs must pass a rigorous final exam and have a strong working knowledge of the subject matter in the NVLSP Veterans Benefits Manual. Quite simply, CVA graduates are elite County Veteran Service Officers. CVA courses are offered at the conference (in-person) and in December.
The December CVA course is VIRTUAL.